1. Nameย and headquarters

1.1 ยซWeCare-Associationยป is a non-profit association governed, firstly, by the present statutes and, secondly, by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. It is neutral politically and non-denominational.

1.2 The Organizationโ€™s headquarters are located in 8703 Erlenbach in the canton of Zurich.

2. Aims

The Association shall pursue the following aims: support poor and people in need worldwide in order to provide them with a dignified existence. This can be provided by granting financial support either to physical persons or to local institutions/organizations who help people. These people make sure that the money is spent according to the aims. Projects aiming at empowerment of people should be given priority.

The Association will organize events and activities to raise financial and other means to support the aims of the Association. The Association does not have a commercial purpose and is non-profit. Any potential profit should go into non-profit activities within the aims of the Association. The Association may take part in other organizations, programs or events with the same aims or /purpose.

3.ย Members

3.1 Any physical or moral person may become a member if they have demonstrated their dedication to the goals of the Association through their commitments or actions.

3.2 Requests to become a member must be addressed to the Committee. The Committee admits new members and informs the General Assembly accordingly. The admission can be denied by the Committee without reasons for a refusal.

3.3 Membership ceases by resignation, death, exclusion or dissolution of the Association.

3.4 Every member may present his written resignation at the end of the financial year.

3.5 The Committee may order an exclusion of a member for just cause at any time. As just causes can be considered, in particular, the dishonorable behaviour of a member or the member acting against the interests of the Association. The exclusion takes place after a hearing, will be communicated in written and with immediate effect. Membership also ceases also for non-payment of dues for two notices. No appeal possible.

3.6 Membership can not be sold or inherited.

4. Organs

The Association shall include the following organs:

  • General Assembly
  • Executive Committee
  • Auditor

5.ย General Assembly

5.1 The General Assembly is the Associationโ€™s supreme authority. It is composed of all the members.

The General Assembly

  • Decides on any modifications of statutes;
  • Appoints the President and the other members of the Committee;
  • Appoints an auditor for the Organization’s accounts;
  • Notes the contents of the reports and financial statements for the year and votes on their adoption;
  • Fixes the annual membership fees;
  • Decides on the dissolution of the Association;

5.2 The ordinary annual session of the General Assembly takes place within six months after the end of the Organizationโ€™s year. The Associationโ€™s year corresponds with the calendar year. Upon presence of the revised accounts and the annual report, the members shall be notified in writing by the Executive Committee at least 20 days prior to the date of the meeting, including the proposed agenda (the members have to be invited directly).

The General Assembly is presided over by the President of the Association.

Motions to the General Assembly have to be proposed in writing to the Executive Committee at least 10 days prior to the General Assembly and have to be put on the agenda.

Decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by a majority vote of the members present. The vote shall be secret if demanded expressis verbis by the majority of the members present. Members may not be represented by someone else.

5.3 An extraordinary meeting may be held whenever necessary, at the request of the Committee or at least of one-fourth of its members or at the request of the auditor. The invitation has to be sent ten days prior to the date of the extraordinary meeting.

6.ย Committee

6.1 The Committee is composed of two to five members. The Committeeโ€™s members work on a volunteer basis and as such will not be remunerated. The Committee meets as often as the Associationโ€™s business requires.

6.2 The Committee consists of:

  • President
  • Treasurer

One physical person may accumulate more than one position.

6.3 The Committee is accountable for all transactions which are not handled by the General Assembly or other organs of the Association. The Committee attends to all matters which are not attributed to either the General Assembly or other organs. The Committee attends to day-to-day affairs and represents the Association externally.

6.4 The Committee is allowed to delegate the management partially or completely to other members or third parties, which have to be supervised by the Committee.

6.5 The committee has a quorum with at least two members present. All members of the Committee present have the same vote. In case of deadlock, the President shall have the casting vote.

6.6 The Committee meets as often as the Associationโ€™s business requires.

6.7 Resigning members of the Committee will be replaced by the Committee and the election has to be confirmed by the next General Assembly.

7.ย Auditor

The General Assembly elects annually an external Auditor. The Auditor controls the annual accounts and the annual financial statement and reports to the Committee and the General Assembly.

8.ย Resources

The Associationโ€™s resources are derived from:

  1. Annual membership fees which are fixed every year by the General Assembly
  2. Donations, sponsorships and legacies
  3. Any other resources authorized by the law (events and activities)

Only the Associationโ€™s assets may be used for obligations/commitments contracted in its name. Members have no personal liability beyond their annual membership fee.

9.ย Statutory change

The present statutes may be changed if approved by the majority of the members present.

10.ย Dissolution

Dissolution of the Association can be decided by a qualified majority. The available assets should be transferred to a non-profit organization pursuing public interest goals similar to those of the Association and likewise benefiting from tax exemption. Under no circumstances should the assets be returned to the founders or members.

11.ย Entry into force

The present statutes have been approved by the Constituent General Assembly of September 12th, 2016.