
Within the Maasai communities on the border between Kenya and Tanzania, children traditionally only have a very low social ranking. They are considered ressources for the community and are at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They are sent out with the calves, lambs and goats or sent to fetch water and, very often, do not attend school. The chances for girls to be sent to school are even lower than for boys and thus they very often face an uncertain future. The provision of educational institutions is extremely important for the development of the society and for the recognition of childrenโ€™s fundamental rights to education, harmonious development and untroubled play.


Plan vom Kindergarten Seitenansicht
Kindergarten side view
Plan Kindergarten Vorderansicht
Kindergartenย front view






The project provides 220 children aged 2 to 6 years old with a safe haven where they can play untroubled and have their first learning experiences with numbers and letters. The walls of the rooms are colorfully painted with maps, numbers and letters and thus serve as educational materials. Here, the children can be properly prepared for school and they also get their one and only granted meal of the day.

Construction works began on June 20th, 2013.

Bild von einem Mann, der einen Graben fรผr den Bau des Kindergartens schaufelt.
Construction works for the Kindergarten.
Mรคnner, die den Aushub fรผr den Kindergarten machen.
Digging for the Kindergarten.
Mann im roten T-Shirt schaufelt Graben
Construction works for the Kindergarten.
Der Graben fรผr das erste Gebรคude ist fast fertig.
Progress has been made!















The walls have been painted with bright colours and they serve as educational materials.









After a construction period of two months, both buildings (Refectory and Kindergarten) were inaugurated on August 23rd, 2013.

Gruppe von Kindern und Erwachsenen, die den Kindergarten erรถffnen. Inauguration of the Kindergarten. 220 children now have a safe haven where they are thoroughly prepared for school and where they can play untroubled.